It wards off harm by surrounding the aura's magetic field with protective light. Gu ru: broken into two parts: gu darkness, unconsciousness. Guru: wisdom, source of transformative knowledge, teacher. This is known as the Mangala Charn Mantra. Adi Mantra Meaning: Ong: Infinite Intelligence + Creative Wisdom (Universal Vital Force Energy) Namo: to bow or to call upon with an open heart and willing mind. Put it altogether and it's a a self-reminder of who you really are and to not get caught up in the superficial turbulence of existence: "True Sustainer, Indescribable Wisdom, Creative Source: This is My True Identity." Protection MantraĪd Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh,Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh

Naraian represents the water element, telling you to stop swimming against the current and be one with the flow of life. It's when we resist what life presents you that unhappiness arises. Tuning in with Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo I bow to my inner wisdom and the. Sat Naraian Wahay Guru Haree Naraian Sat Nam The medical benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga are related to the way it. Chanted before practicing Kundalini Yoga to tune in to the yogic vibration and open your higher consciousness to receive the teachings. Its syllables are translated respectively as infinity, life, death and rebirth. Tuning-in with the mantra Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo Pranayam or warm-up Kriya Relaxation Meditation Closing with the blessing song, May the Long Time. Ong the syllable of creation Namo bowing or paying reverance to Guru that which brings us from darkness to Light Dev unseen, invisible, beyond.

Known as the Panj Shabd mantra, sa ta na ma is an extended version of the bij mantra above. When reciting, you should hold the word “sat” eight times longer than the word “nam.” Panj Shabd Namo is actually the word, namaha, which specifically means my salutations. Its purpose is to prepare the body and environment for the open flow of Kundalini energy, but it's an auspicious invocation before embarking on any new venture. This vibrates and stimulates various points on the roof of the mouth, which in turn stimulates different parts of the brain, specifically the pituitary gland. Known as the adi mantra, Ong namo, guru dev namo is customarily chanted before beginning a session of Kundalini yoga. By chanting Sat Nam, known as the bij mantra, you pay homage to the universal truth and goodness that lives inside you. Ong has the advantage of moving the sound in the mouth from the front all the way to the back. This mantra, meaning, "Truth is my name," has a profound ability to clear away confusion and balance mental energy. Mantras harmonize the mind-body connection and connect the psyche to the universal consciousness.